The Jade Egg

 I was introduced to the jade egg shortly after the birth of our daughter.  Things just didn't feel normal after having a vaginal birth and I wanted to not only get things back to the way they were, I wanted to improve myself if possible.  I expressed my concerns to my teacher who in turn told me about the jade egg.

The jade egg has been used in China for thousands of years.  A long time ago only the Queen and her concubines were taught of the powers that the jade egg held. It is written that when these women aged, they still had youthful sexual organs and vitality only a young woman would have.  It can help cure incontinence, greatly improve you sex life and help you to have mind blowing orgasms.   It also gives you the physical ability to pull or squeeze your man during intercourse, which by the way, my man loves.

I began by learning how to lift my pelvic floor and relax it.  It was similar to Kegel exercises or at least so I thought.  Then I lifted my pelvic floor and drew it up the back of my spine toward my sacrum.  Then I lifted and drew it up toward my bellybutton.   Then I lifted and pulled it to my right hip, and then to my left hip. I did the exercise repeatedly, to the point of exhaustion.  I did it every time I sat down to meditate or any other time that I could remember.  Once I had this down, I was taught how to pull the energy up to the top of my head, spin it and let it back down and spin.  I began to circulate my energy by using my breath, my focus and by just allowing the energy to flow upon its path and not trying to change it in any way.   In the beginning you will have areas that are blocked or that you skip over, but if you keep at it you will eventually work through these blockages.  Circulating your energy is the foundation of the work with the Jade egg and it is a lot like meditation in that you will not learn how to do it over night.  If you skips this step, you can cause yourself harm and sometimes be prone to headaches and migraines.  

Upon first use you boil your egg and I used dental floss as my string and tied a knot in it.  The string gives you a nice cord to pull on, and at a later date, it gives you something to hang weights from.  Now, their are a few websites out there to teach you the basics about the jade egg and its uses.  I would recommend finding a teacher or someone that can help you master the exercises and then teach you about lifting weights.  You can also email me with any questions you have (

                      Here is a picture of my Jade Egg with a string in it.


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