
Looking at life from another perspective

Looking at life from another perspective How you hold your life and what you perceive your life to make all the difference.  What if it were possible to look at your life from another point of view and see things differently?  What if you could take a bad situation and make it good?  Would I have your interest? I write about the things in my life, relationships, challenges, victories, work, and family.  I write from the heart and the higher part of myself.  It is my intention to share with you what I have learned over the last 20 years living with a Taoist Sexual Master (he would hate for me to refer to him as that), the insights he has and the directions he has taught me to take my life in.  I am forever grateful to him.  He saved me in ways that I don't have words for.  So, when I received information that this very special man might be leaving this plain well......I didn't receive that well. I have spent the last year in a tailspin.  How do I live without the person

Self Mastery

Mastering others is  strength, Mastering yourself is true power.                                                                                    Lao Tzu My curiosity with this concept began many years ago.  I suppose I became obsessed with it in the last few years.  What I mean by that is there is the self, then there is the higher self or God self,  each of us has this within us.  So few ever reach this state because the self is well developed and sometimes tricky.  Life from my view point is a strategy at best when you have no awareness of the  Higher self.   As I sit each morning in stillness, I am aware of the higher part of me.  My attention is fully inward and life is perfect, even the harshest of situations.  Life is  full of possibilities.  But as soon as I get up, the mind kicks in and takes over.  It thinks about later on, yesterday, a conversation with my daughter etc.  The mind goes on..... and on....... and on.  It is a never ending stream of thoughts and

Facing Life's Challenges

Let's face it, life can be challenging.  I can be humming along, things going great, and out of no where.....K-A-P-O-W!  Something or someone blindsides me and now I'm left struggling to keep my head above water.  My mind begins to chime in and I am on an endless cycle in my head. Typically, I look at how I am right and the other person is wrong. I invalidate them and justify myself, thoughts and actions.  My mind just keeps going.....and going.....and going.   It's these times I find myself floating from one experience to the next not in my center and coming from what I call "default drive". My default drive is not the highest aspect of myself, in fact, it's the lower part of me running the show. Yikes!  I suppose, I should be happy that I am aware that I am off my path, but what do I do now?  How do I get back on track? 1. First thing is I notice where I am - Being aware of where I am creates the space for me to move out of that place.  If I am unaw

Ebb and Flow of Relationships

I find myself in a familiar position.  Their are things about my husband I wish I could change.  Knowing what I know, I know that's not possible.  It's up to me to change so I can see my relationship from another point of view.   I love my husband, but their are times when I just want to strangle him.  We seem to butt heads and not have an even ground to stand from.  It's these times that I take a step back and look at myself.  I inquire within and ask myself "how am I showing up for my relationship? How can I be a better partner?"  I know during these times of struggle I want to make HIM the problem. But somewhere inside of me I know it's me.  Maybe I'm hormonal, distant or otherwise not interested.  Maybe he is too, but I recognize that I can not change him.   I can only change myself and watch the situation change from that stand point.  I think the hardest thing about relationship that no one ever shared with me is that you accept your partn

My Inner Voice

I have this inner critic/voice that constantly runs in my head.  It is always telling me things, sometimes useful but often times not.  It goes on... and on.... and on... I have observed what it does over the years and I'd like to share it with you. It has an incredible desire to win and never lose, to dominate and avoid being dominated, to justify and invalidate anyone who challenges me, to always be right and never be wrong.  This voice is inside of me sometimes controls me (OK more than sometimes).  And yet what it leaves in its wake is me being separate from others, to not be able to experience the love and support in my life and it definitely is not alright with just "being." One of my favorite teachers Werner Erhard refers to this inner voice as "IT."  He proposes a question over and over again in his EST training.  "IT is using your life for what?"   He invites you to look at your life and see what IT's up to? (I have pondered this f

Exercise Your Lady Parts

Each day I wake, meditate, do my pelvic floor exercises and lift with my egg.  It's like brushing my teeth.   Having a pelvic floor that leaked was totally unacceptable to me.  After the birth of our daughter well......things just didn't feel the same down there.  First of all, every time I stood up it felt like my vagina was going to fall onto the floor.  It was the strangest feeling I had ever felt but I was told it would go away with time.  I practiced my Kegals continually  day in and day out.    After 6 weeks of this I noticed that each time I laughed or sneezed I would leak.  I'd run and go change my underwear that were now soaked.  So I asked my OBGYN what to do about it and he told me "wear a pantie liner."  I quickly chimed back "for the rest of my life?  Are you kidding?"  This was the solution  that he told all the women that came to him with this experience.  Now, I don't know about you but I was 31 at the time and what not willing to

Handling Life Challenges

We all have challenges (I don't like to use the word problems), we wouldn't be fully alive if we didn't.  For some, the challenges are greater than others.  But each one of us in every moment we are alive have the opptorunity to transform these challenges into something greater.   It has been said our greatest challenge is our greatest gift.  Yet sometimes when we are in the moment of despair, anger or sadness it is hard to realize within our selves that something good could come out of it.  I know I have things in my life that constantly challenge me, push me to stretch as a person, teacher, partner, friend.  And yet without these challenging situations where would we be?  How would we grow, dig deeper, surrender and evolve?   I have a friend who struggles with anxiety.  It is crippling to her and over takes her life.  She has found temporary peace through meds.  I can see why she would choose this for herself.  The problem with that path is it numbs her to whats